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> Announcements

KDI School of Public Policy and Management was established to educate and develop the next generation of leaders in today’s rapidly changing and globalizing economy. The School offers an innovative educational program focusing on policy and international issues and aims to transform mid-career professionals into leaders of their respective fields by equipping them with new knowledge, vision, and a global perspective.


KDI School, a leading policy school in Asia, is pleased to offer great scholarship opportunities to the foreign nationals(especially the government officials) who wish to pursue their master's or Ph.D. degree studying in Korea.

1. Academic Programs


1) Master's Program (Full/Part-time)
 a. MPP (Master of Public Policy)*
 b. MDP (Master of Development Policy)* 
 c. MPM (Master of Public Management)*
 d. MIPD (Master in Intellectual Property and Development Policy) **Full-time only

*Part-time is available for foreign nationals who work and reside in Korea


2) Ph.D. Program (Full-time)
 a. Ph.D. in Public Policy
 b. Ph.D. in Development Policy


2. Academic Duration


1) Master's Program: 1~1.5 years (Stay duration in Korea: 1 year)
2) Ph.D. Program: at least 3 years


3. Application Period: September 1st 09:00  ~ September 22nd 18:00, 2022 


4. Scholarship Eligibility: 


1) Master's Program: Bachelor's degree holders
 (a) G20* nationals having at least One(1) year of work experience in the public sector OR
 (b) having study/research experience in the field of Korea studies 

*including permanent guest(Spain)


2) Ph.D.: Master's degree holders with demonstrated potential for research and having a research topic firmly in hand 


5. Scholarship Benefits: 


1) Master's Program (Seoul G20 Global Leader Fellowship)
   - Full tuition waiver, monthly stipend and round-trip airfare

2) Ph.D. Program (Global Ambassador Scholarship)
   - Full tuition waiver and monthly stipend(for max. of 3 years)

6. Language of Instruction: English 

7. Inquiry: Admissions Office (

8. Online Application Portal:


1. 신입생 모집홍보 포스터.png



Attachment: [KDIS] 2023 Spring Application Guidelines.pdf


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