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(04/20/2019) 63rd TOPIK test

KECDC 2020.03.12 10:50 Views : 1890

Washington Korean Education Center (Director: Park Sanghwa) managed the 63rd TOPIK test at 5 test centers (1. American University, 2. George Mason University, 3. Fairfax High School, 4. Open Doors Korean School, 5. Bethel Korean School) ) on April 20, 2019. Among the total of 210 applicants (112 TOPIK I, 98 TOPIK II), 172 applicants (86 TOPIK I, 86 TOPIK II) took the test. The test results will be released around the end of May, and candidates can check their scores on the TOPIK website ( while printing out their transcripts directly. The Korean Education Center in Washington DC will offer TOPIK test in November, 2019.


20190420-63 TOPIK.jpg


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