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< Admission Guidelines for International Students - 2022 Fall Semester - >



1. About the Graduate School of Korean Studies, the Academy of Korean Studies



 ◦ Tuition fees are fully waived for all international students.
 ◦ 80.6% of international students benefit from the Government Grant (monthly stipend of 800,000KRW for a year).


 ◦ A 5:1 student-faculty ratio enables close one-on-one guidance of students by professors.
 ◦ Students are encouraged to participate in the AKS’research projects.
 ◦ Korean language courses specifically designed for academic purposes are available free of charge.
 ◦ Various programs supporting student’s academic performance are run such as tutoring, cultural activities, and airfare subsidy for presentation in overseas conferences.


2. Programs and Majors Offered

A. Master's or Doctoral Degree
  ◦ Humanities : Korean History, Diplomatics and Bibliography, Philosophy, Korean Linguistics·Korean Literature
  ◦ Culture and Arts : Anthropology·Folklore, Religious Studies, Musicology, Art History, Cultural Informatics·Human Geography
  ◦ Social Sciences : Political Science, Sociology, Education

  ◦ Global Korean Studies :  Korean Culture and Society (only available for master's degree program)
 B. Research (Non-degree Program) : 4 divisions and 13 majors(MA), 12 Majors(PhD) (same as those provided for Degree Program)

    * For detailed information on the curriculum of each major, please visit, click 대학원 소개(Introduction to the Graduate School of Korean Studies), 전공 안내(Majors), and select a division and a major of interest.


3. Application Deadline
 ◦ Online application by 1 April


4. Contact Information

 ◦Tel: +82-31-730-8183


 ◦ (AKS in English), (GSKS in Korean)


[붙임] Application Guidelines_2022 Fall_Kor.pdf

[붙임] Application Guidelines_2022 Fall_Eng.pdf

[붙임] 한국학중앙연구원_2022특별전형모집포스터.jpg


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