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Online Education Fair Korea 2016

KECDC 2016.07.08 13:34 조회 수 : 1409

Korean Government(Ministry of Education, NIIED)will hold the [Online Education Fair - Korea 2016] for international students.

  1. Name of the event: The First Biannual Online Education Fair – Korea 2016
  2. Date: 2016. 07. 18 (Mon) ~ 2016. 07. 29 (Fri), 2 weeks
  3. Introduction of main contents

 - Promotional booth for Studying in Korea: information of studying in Korea and government scholarship programs, online consultation

- Promotional booth for Korean universities: real-time consultation, admission guideline for international students, online consultation

  1. Participating universities: 25
  2. How to access and participate the online education fair (Please see the attachment)

 - Visit the Study in Korea website (www.studyinkorea.go.kr) to select the online education fair link

 - Complete the registration and visit the website during the online education fair




How to register “Online Education Fair Korea 2016”

  1. Visit “www.studyinkorea.go.kr
  2. Click “Online Education Fair Korea 2016
  3. Click “Registration” to join the Fair. For those who completed the registration, we will send a range of information about Studying in Korea by email.
  4. During the education fair period (July 18th - 29th), click “details” to join the Fair.
  5. Click icons to see the details.
  6. Click the icon ‘Participating universities’ to check Korean universities.
  7. Click the ‘Introduction’ button to check details about the university you are interested in.
  8. Click icons to check the details.
  9. 사이버한국유학박람회_홍보이미지.jpg



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