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2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program

admin 2012.02.06 13:01 조회 수 : 35340

2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program

Guideline for International Students

Enrolled in Graduate Programs


1. Program Objective

The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.


2. Quota for U.S.A  Scholars

- General : 10 persons

- Overseas Korean Adoptee : 5 persons 


3. Duration of Scholarship

o Master’s (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2015) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s

o Doctoral (01.09.2012 ~ 31.08.2016) : 1 yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral


4. Application Requirements

o The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenships.

* Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.

o Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time.

* Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she apply for this program, and then submit an Official Medical Examination Report issued in a hospital to NIIED after passing the NIIED Selection Committee (the 2nd Selection). A serious illness reflected in the examination results will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship.

* NOT Eligible : those who are pregnant

o Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2012 (born after Sep. 1st, 1972).

o Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of September 1, 2012.

 * (ImportantApplicants who have enrolled in or graduated from a university in Korea will be disqualified from applying to the KGSP program. Specifically, an applicant who has previously enrolled in or graduated from an undergraduate program, a master’s program, or a doctoral program in Korea cannot apply for this program.

However, a KGSP scholar who has graduated or will graduate from a Korean university as of August 31st, 2012 can apply for this program again only via the embassy if only he/she holds at least TOPIK Level 4 and obtain another recommendation within the allotment from the Korean Embassy of his/her respective country of origin (re-application is limited to one instance).

* Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.

 * Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree.

* Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2012 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED by August 31st, 2012.

o Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution. If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program.

* If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required.

o Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference.

o Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference.


5. Selection Criterion

  o All documents including transcript, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc., will be evaluated.


6. Required documents : One original document (placed in a separate envelope) and 3 extra copies.

* Documents not in English or Korean must be accompanied by a complete English or Korean

translation authenticated by the issuing institution or notarized by a notary’s office.

    (Check List for Application Documents : below table)   

        △ means "if applicable"


* Applicants must submit all the documents by the checklist order. (Checklist for the application documents should be on the front page, followed by the required documents, stapled and attached.)


7. Place of Submission

Korean Consulate General Office near the applicant’s current address(including Overseas Korean Adoptee)

 * For DC, Virginia, Maryland, or West Virginia, documents must be submitted to the Korea Education Center in the Korean Embassy:

        Korean Education Center

        2320 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.

        Washington DC 20008

* Attachment(Information of Korean Consulate General)


8. Application Deadline & Future Timelines

o Submitting the Required Documents: March(The deadline is decided by each Korean Consulate General )

For DC, Virginia, Maryland, or West Virginia, the deadline is : March 21, 2012(After submitting documents, the date for interview will be notified individually)

o 2nd Selection by NIIED :  April 30th(posted on GKS websites)

o Official Physical Examination: May 1st ~ May 31st(completed by candidates themselves)

o Admission Procedures for the Korean Embassies’ candidates: May 7th~May 31st

o Announcement for Final Successful Candidates : June 11th (GKS websites-www.gks.go.kr)

o Entry into Korea : August 27th ~ August 29th

o NIIED Orientation : August 30th ~ August 31st

o Korean Language Course : September 1st


9. For further information :

o KGSP Team, National Institute for International Education (NIIED)

- Address: #205 NIIED, 81 Ewhajang-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, 110-810, Republic of Korea

- www.gks.go.kr

‣ Korean version: 외국인대상 → 정부초청외국인장학생 → 공지사항

‣ English version: Inbound → Korean Government Scholarship Program → Announcement 

- Phone:  +82-2-3668-1364, +82-2-3668-1358

- Fax: +82-2-743-4992

- Email: niiedkgsp@gmail.com

ㅇ If you are in DC, Virginia, Maryland, or West Virginia, please get in touch with Korean Education Center in Korean Embassy (202-939-5681).


10. Other useful websites

 ㅇ KCUE (Korean Council for University Education)         http://www.kcue.or.kr

ㅇ Learning Korean                                                  http://www.kosnet.go.kr

ㅇ Universities and Graduate schools in Korea             http://www.studyinkorea.go.kr

ㅇ Understanding of Korean culture                                    http://korea.net

ㅇ Overseas Korean embassies                            http://www.mofat.go.kr

ㅇ Visa and Registration                                                http://immigration.go.kr


111.  Application Form and detailed information : Refer to the attachments

 * To read detailed information including documents, scholarship, etc is required(attachment – Guideline for 2012 KGSP


















제 출 서 류 명(Check List for Application Documents)





1. 지원서 Personal data (Attachment #1)

2. 자기소개서 Self Introduction (Attachment #2)

3. 학업계획서 Study Plan (Attachment #3)

4. 추천서 Letter of Recommendation(1) (Attachment #4)

5. 서약서 Pledge (Attachment #5)

6. 자가건강체크리스트 PERSONAL MEDICAL ASSESSMENT(Attachment #6)

7. 학사학위(예정)증명서 Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from undergraduate institution

8. 학사과정성적증명서 Official transcript of previously attended undergraduate institution(s)

9. 석사학위(예정)증명서 Copy of diploma or certificate of graduation from graduate institution


10. 석사과정성적증명서 Official transcript of previously attended graduate institution(s)


11.  한국어능력증명서  Certificate of TOPIK score (original copy), if available


12. 영어능력증명서 Certificate of TOEFL or IELTS score (original copy)

13. 발표논문(해당자만) Published papers, if available (one or two)


14. 수상실적(해당자만) Awards, if available (one or two)

15. 여권사본 Copy of passport (possible to submit after selection)

16. 부모 외국국적증명서(재외동포의 경우에만 제출)

Certificate of citizenship of parents of applicant : birth certificate,

 passport, etc. (* applicable only to overseas Korean immigrants) 

17. 입양사실 확인서(해외 한국입양인의 경우에만 제출) Adoption documents (*applicable only to overseas Korean adoptees)


번호 제목 날짜 조회 수
공지 How to obtain an Apostilled Criminal Record Check 2014.09.16 17163
20 TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) Program for 2014 February Session file 2013.08.26 24734
19 2013년 재외동포 모국수학 교육과정 2학기 모집 안내 file 2013.07.25 9083
18 The AKS(Academy of Korean Studies) Research Grant file 2013.04.19 22096
17 EPIK(English Program in Korea) for 2013 August Session 2013.04.05 15107
16 2013년 재외동포재단 초청장학생 선발 안내 file 2013.03.12 17761
15 TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) Program for 2013 August Session file 2013.03.06 38972
14 2013년 재외동포 청소년․대학생 초청연수 참가자 모집 안내 file 2013.02.27 52075
13 2013 Korean Government Scholarship Program file 2013.02.08 245286
12 2013 재외동포 모국수학 교육과정 모집 안내 file 2013.01.17 13722
11 The AKS(Academy of Korean Studies) Research Grant file 2012.11.07 14068
10 Useful Websites for Korean Language Learning 2012.11.05 64402
9 2012년도 동포학생 동계학교 참가자 모집 안내 file 2012.10.23 34024
8 TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) Program for 2013 February Session file 2012.08.22 24048
7 NIIED International Student Service Center(외국인유학생 상담센터 안내) file 2012.07.24 13731
6 2012년 재외동포초청장학생 선발 모집공고 안내 file 2012.03.16 13694
5 2012년 세계한인청소년․대학생모국연수 참가자 모집 안내 file 2012.02.29 27153
4 EPIK(English Program in Korea) for 2012 August 2012.02.29 113069
3 TaLK(Teach and Learn in Korea) Program for 2012 August Session file 2012.02.29 53264
» 2012 Korean Government Scholarship Program file 2012.02.06 35340
1 국비유학생 제출 서식 file 2009.05.14 16923
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