한국유학 > 유학정보
> 유학정보
The Korean Ministry of Education, Science & Technology invites qualified undergraduate students to apply for the Korean government scholarship to teach and learn in Korea.
Selected scholars will receive Korean government scholarships and teach English in after-school classes of Korean elementary schools while enjoying cultural experience programs during their leisure time with either a six-month or one-year contract starting in February, 2013.
This serves as an excellent opportunity for ethnic Koreans and foreigners to be exposed to the language and culture of Korea while sharing knowledge and culture with Korean students.
Citizen of a country where English is the primary official language
(Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa., U.K., U.S.A.)
※ Ethnic Koreans with legal residencies are eligible also.
An undergraduate student with two or more years of university education, or a college/university graduate
※Ethnic Koreans who are in their 1st or 2nd year of college/university are eligible also.
Scholarship of 1.5 million KRW per month(except for the preparatory orientation session)
Rent-free furnished housing arrangement
Entrance and Exit allowance(each 1.3 million KRW)
Medical insurance cover
One-off settlement allowance
Opportunities to participate in cultural programs
Korean language acquisition
Free preparatory orientation session
Paid leave of total 7 working days(per 6 months)
Buddy system
APPLICATION PERIOD: September 1, 2012 ~ November 30, 2012
* Early application is preferred.
HOW TO APPLY: Apply online at and participate in the interview while submitting the required documents to the following Interview Center.
* Interview Center for the States of DC, VA, MD and WV
Korean Education Center
2320 Massachusetts Ave. N.W.
Washington, DC 20008
A completed application form A
A completed application form B - a personal medical assessment & a personal essay
A photo file ※Preferably a passport-sized identification photo in .GIF or .JPG format
A lesson plan (for a 40 minute English class)
A sealed transcript
Two signed and sealed recommendation letters
A criminal record check (FBI level record & Apostille required or state-level record & Aposilled reqired)
<An apostilled, state-level criminal record check applies to applicants who have lived in the same state
since high school(since graduating middle school) >
A copy of your passport photo page
A copy of legal residence certificate (for Korean nationals)
About the detailed information on application procedure, documents, etc, Refer to the attachment(Spring 2013 TaLK Prospectus).
For more information, log on to or call 202-939-5681.