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The 87th TOPIK Test Notice

KECDC 2023.01.12 13:46 Views : 2333

<The 87th TOPIK Test Notice>


1. Test Date : April 8, 2023

 - TOPIK I  : 9:40 am ~ 11:20 am

 - TOPIK II  : 12:50 pm ~ 16:20 pm, including 30 minutes break


2. Registration Period : January 12 ~ February 6, 2023


3.  Test Fee : TOPIK I $35, TOPIK II $40  

    Check payable to : Korean Education Center

    Address : 2320 Massachusetts Ave., NW

                 Washington, DC 20008 


4.  How to apply

 -  Mail to or Walk-in at Korean Education Center in Washington DC located at 2320 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington DC, 20008.


5.  What to submit?

 - Application Form, jpg file for passport photo(3cmx4cm) in the application form, and test fee

   * Two photos should be attached on the Application Form.

   * The photo in the application form should be scanned and saved as jpg, and be submitted (the name of the file should be the test taker's name, test level, testing place, ex) Steve Kim-TOPIK II-Open Doors) to KECDC at


* Even though you have registered via mail or walk-in, you should email your file for passport photo (3cmx4cm)  to


6. Detailed information

 - Please visit TOPIK website for more general information about TOPIK. 

 - For more information about the 87th TOPIK test application, please contact at 202.939.5681 or email at



1. 87th TOPIK Notice.docx

2. 87th TOPIK Application(form).docx


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